Wednesday, March 3, 2021

My Lent; Rain; White This or That; The Good, the Bad and the Sad about My Son Tony; No Restaurant for a Year!;

I need to do more for Lent.  I am praying a lot.  However, I am not doing enough self-denial.  One afternoon, I did wait until my stomach was growling before I ate.  I have not listened to pop music.  (Tuesday morning, I successfully withstood the urge to listen to music on my Iphone.  In particular, I wanted to listen to a song by New Order.)

A period of rain in Wuxi.   Meanwhile in Canada, there was snow and very low temperatures.

Is White Nationalism or White Supremacy a real problem?  NO.  Is a made-up problem so that the oligarchs don't have to deal with the bad decisions they have made about trying to promote ethnic diversity.  People of different ethnic groups have habits which are annoying to people from other ethnic groups.  There is no way around that unless you end up with a monoculture which isn't diversity.  And these differences are intolerable to somebody.  Examples of this?  Chinese drivers.

Any race talk that is popping its head up is a reaction to bigotry of anti-racists and to the realization among people of European descent that the desire for a world where people are judged by the content of the character and not the color of their skin is not shared by people of non-European ancestry.

At my son Tony's request, I have put the songs by the band Badfinger on the usb that I use as a source of music when I drive.  Listening to a few of the songs, I can see that Badfinger is quite good.  This was a discovery of Tony.  Not something I played for him.

Tony is playing baseball, but he is having trouble hitting the ball.  I will try to help him by showing him some books I have about baseball and hitting, and what he should keep in mind when he is at bat.  Tony is a not into details and he should get into them as the I will now tell you...

Tony is currently attending an international school in Wuxi.  He likes it.  He likes the teachers.  The classes are smaller.  He can play basketball in the evening.  He can stay away from his overbearing mother.  However, he is not doing well academically.  He has bilingual language skills, however his ability to understand advanced or more difficult concepts in either of the languages is limited.  I have heard that this is a problem for children who are bilingual from the time they start speaking as infants, and that it would be better for them to speak in one language.  Tony's mother tongue is Chinese; his father tongue is English. 

The teachers at the school have concerns about his cognition.  I have concerns too.  For example, I have explained to him a hundred times about boiling and freezing and evaporation, and he still confuses them.  We have to find a way to train his mind to remember things.  So, the teachers have recommended that we take Tony to these special places in Shanghai to have some tests done which will then hopefully help us to come up with ways to improve his learning abilities.  Hopefully, these consultations can help.  I do have to accept that it could well be that Tony is not so clever. If that is the case, then we will have to find something for Tony to do that would make him a useful adult.

The Majestic King of Wuxi who now lives in Winnipeg, Canada, has told me that on account of covid, he hadn't been in a restaurant for a year till last week.

Are they discriminating against foreigners in Wuxi?  If they are, it's not a problem with me.  I keep to myself mostly, but the locals who deal with me have be fine.

CoTD.  I make them on SoTD.

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