Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Joe Stolin; Pains Replaced by other Pains; 2704; Dumb Local Driving; Other Traffic complaints; Film Reviews; Only Saw One Foreigner Last Week

The Biden nicknames keep rolling in!

I came upon another great nickname for Biden: Joe Stolin. Other ones include OBiden and Joe Chi Minh.

My toothache, that I mentioned in a previous entry, went away. But now, I have other pains like a mild headache.

After hemming and hawing on my wife's part and indecision on my part, it seems we will be buying that apartment which will be on the 27th floor of this apartment complex being build next to the Hui Shan Sports Center. Apartment 2704! This building will have central heating!

I saw a car pass a right-turning car on its right. Talk about impatience!

I find myself cheering for accidents as I watch traffic. So many close calls between people being impatient and in-courteous!

So many times, have I been side-swiped by e-bikers coming from behind.

I just watched Little Shop around the Corner. Great Flick. Very sappy, but I was in the mood for sap when I watched it. A major character's (played by Frank Morgan from the Wizard of Oz film) attempt at suicide after having mistakenly fired the Jimmy Stewart character didn't seem probable but yet... The film ends on Christmas Eve (my birthday) and talked of cucumbers and sour cream, a favourite of mine when I was living with Ma and Pa.

I watched a film I Care a Lot because it was mentioned in a recent Peter Hitchens column. I was cheering against the protagonist in the film who was an evil Lesbian chick. She was battling against a character played by the dwarf (or midget) actor from Game of Thrones. Alas, she was only assassinated in the end, and made to die like a martyr.

Only talked to one foreigner last week. Not that I am complaining. I'm just passing the info into the record. And I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Running into a foreigner in China, for me, the odds are less than ten percent, that the encounter would be worth having. There is nothing more annoying than foreigners who don't realize how mad the world is now.

This is all way of introduction to Tony's baseball. I have been driving him to Sunday Morning* practices. I know that one of his teammates has a foreign parent. I can't decide if I want to meet this fellow. I had a chance to meet this person on a recent Sunday, but I saw him from a distance and decided to turn in the other direction (I was walking around a sports field track). It was painful to do this and yet it would probably have been more painful to meet him.

*I pray the rosary, listen to the Daily Decade Podcast, and read mass text while he practices.

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