Monday, October 26, 2020

Thank You; Writing in Latvian; Morning Family Drama; What's Wrong with Defensive NFL games?; Canada and the Covid; Go Trump Go!; Being Called Racist; Fourteenth Anniversary

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I don't know if I have many readers.  Perhaps you are the only one.  Still, I am glad that you have taken the time to read my blog.  If I have only one reader, I am thankful.  That is more than none.  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

I should try writing in Latvian, which is my mother tongue which I was taught when I was young.  And also find a Latvian penfriend who I can practice my Latvian with.  First, I will try to write an introduction about myself in Latvian.  Next entry.

I drove my wife Jenny to work.  Twenty minutes later she phones me.  I tell her I am on the train now heading to work.  She says that in that case she would have to phone our son Tony.  Why?  I ask.  She broke the heel on her shoe.  For Tony, this means he is going to spend an hour walking to and fro Compound Kaulins.

Tony was talking to me about the Super Bowl whose final score was 13-3.  They are saying, he told me, that it was a boring Super Bowl because it was so low-scoring.  I said that there was nothing wrong with a low-scoring game and that sometimes a high-scoring game with no defense was boring in its own way.  Tony agreed.

The Covid news from Canada is depressing.  The powers that be are determined and are scaring the population into going along with one of the biggest elite blunders since World War One.  My mother who lives in a house by herself in Manitoba is not enjoying being cooped up in her house and being by herself.  My brother who is essential is working all the time and unable to enjoy the 2000 dollar a month subsidy that many less essentials are getting for staying at home.

I hope Trump wins the election.  And it is not because I think he is a God.*  He is boorish and all that, and in a saner time he would never have become president.  But we don't live in sane times, and in this day and age, he comes across as thoughtful, full of probity and considerate.  I was asked last week, by a Trump-hater, what I would have to do to give up on Trump.  My answer would be someone better running for the presidency.  And right now, there isn't.  The Democrats are all beyond consideration, as are most of the Republicans.

*(He may be a King David figure. But that's another story.)

In the same conversation, I had with the anti-Trumper, I was called racist.  He was relating his black American friends, including some expats here in Wuxi, telling him about their being exposed to constant racism.  I responded that if it was so bad for them, why didn't they go to Africa where surely this wouldn't be a problem.  That I was told was racist.  Whatever.  It sounded to me like these friends complained too much, and were trying to play King Victim.

The truth is that if a white person sees a black person, he is worried about offending the black and being called racist or suffering some other bad consequences.  And thus, since many whites have to walk on egg-shells around blacks all the time.  Obviously black people sense this when they are around many whites, and it is understandable that they feel aggrieved.  However, there is something that Blacks can do to alleviate this tension, and that isn't to go BLMish.*** They can tell the white person to be cool and first assume that the white person is trying not to be "racist"**, and that at the same time, they are black and the other is white, and they will just have to together both be aware that there is this racial thing going on, which is hard for anyone not to have on their mind, no matter how good they are.

**I put quotes around the word racist, because I am not happy with that choice of word.  "Racist" is a hard word to define exactly.  Is some ways, the word can be used in a way that the person described is not full of bad intentions; in other ways, it can be.

***BLM from what I understand is Blacks portraying themselves as king victims while at the same time not offering Whites any hope of redemption or even acknowledging that many Whites have made efforts to deal with Black grievances.

I end this entry by wishing myself and my wife Jenny a happy fourteenth Wedding anniversary.  Yes, fourteen years.  I am happy to have someone put up with me for fourteen years; I only wish my wife would be happy that someone has put up with her with fourteen years.  I suppose the majority of husbands have this complaint.

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