Saturday, January 29, 2022

A Great Blog Entry from David Warren

David Warren, my favorite blogger, has written a entry that has brought tears to my eyes:

A moment of pride

He writes that the Canadian truckers convoy have provided "a rare moment of pride and patriotism." Observing the Covid Panic that has gripped Canada from afar, I have felt really ashamed to be Canadian. The truckers have given me some optimism.

Warren writes of the nurses fired by "jackasses in public health bureaucracies for refusing vaccinations offering the truckers their support.

Some other great quotes:

Lockdowns are for prisoners!

The leading figures in the lockdowns should be humiliated.

No more involuntary lockdowns, no more useless facial diapers; less political stench and garbage.

God did not create a world in which tyrants would be rewarded.

Read the entry, print it, pass it around and post it on your wall.

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