Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Things I Have Been Thinking

  • I guess I would be a thought criminal to the powers that be. As perhaps the following thoughts will perhaps show.

  • I have said this before in a previous entry, the news I am getting about what is going on in Europe and North America is upsetting. It is absolute insanity. Now there always has and always will be a portion of the population that is insane. But what is really upsetting about what is going on is how so many of the elites share in this sanity or seem cynical enough to want to go along with it.

  • The question is what can be done about it? Logic and clever argumentation, presenting the facts, and appealing to a sense of fair play aren't going to work. The people pushing this anti-racism nonsense are either so firm in their sense of their goodness, or are so evil that they have to be fought to the death like we did with the Nazis and should have done with the Bolsheviks. There seems to be no peaceful way out of this period of insanity the West has entered into except to submission to some 1984-Communist-Nazi thought control regime. That sort of regime would be sheer evil so these anti-racist tyrants have to be fought.

  • So, Leftism and Progressivism are dead-ends. And thus, one must ask what sort of regime can we reasonably hope to see come into being? I would say, in short, a regime that doesn't produce Leftism or Progressivism of any sort. But what kind of regime is that? One that isn't democratic or at least a very limited democracy for one thing. Women and people incapable of paying taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote. [How about a simple reform like this: people who go on welfare, are not allowed to vote?] The elites of this regime have to care for their people and only their people. One of problems of the world now is that the elites are globalist, and so there are few of them that care about the hometowns they abandoned so they could become cosmopolitan. How to get the elites to care about their people and to stop hob-knobbing with other elites is the real problem with the world at the moment. To get them to stop trying to fight the "ether" of racism, a non-existent problem as it were, would be a start. But, alas, the powers that be in the world seem determined to lead the world over a cliff.

  • What do I think of Trump? I would like to say that I have to been agnostic about Trump, but the truth is I was a never-Trumper when it first looked like he had a serious chance to be the Republican nominee, but as the process went along I became a never-never-Trumper, then a Trump supporter and I now hope that he can win the election this fall. Trump deserves to be criticized, but because of the over-the-top opposition from never-Trumpers, I am reluctant to criticize him. When I hear of the people who think he is a Nazi, a racist, a mad man and that somehow Obama was a capable president, one has no choice but to stand with Trump. The people whose views of Trump I can take seriously are those of the people who voted for him and are disappointed by him. Like them, I wish Trump would have done more to advance the agenda of his election campaign, and I wish he could have done more to advance the correct notions he had of dealing with the virus crisis and the riots. But it may well be that the elites and powers that be are against him, and that the system is going to have to collapse because it can't be saved and isn't worthy of being saved. So, Trump in 2020 because you are insane.

  • What is going on in the world? Protests against racism? No, not that. What's going on seems to a demand for a redneck pogrom.

  • If I saw someone kneeling for George Floyd, I hope I would have the wherewithal to kick the kneeler in the ass.

  • 'You don't understand what it is to be a black or yellow or brown man!" They say. As if, these people understand what it is like to be a white man. It hasn't been a bed of roses for me. I have experienced shunning from people of every shade of skin color. When I was growing up, I was cruelly treated by my classmates, who shared the color of my skin. For all people, life is about putting up with annoying people who don't like you.

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