Monday, September 16, 2019

Driving in China, My Blog Entry Format, A Writing No-No, The Cars, My Conscience Piqued, Encounter with Motorcycle

  • Driving in China gives me special insight into their character. Or at least I like to think so.

  • I have come up with a format for these blog entries. Every time, I have six things to say, or said, I will publish them. Once, of course, I have edited them.

  • Reading a blog entry at Liberty's torch, I discovered that one of my writing tics is a big no-no.

  • Ric Ocasek, the lead singer of the 80s New Wave band The Cars, has died. I had been listening to some of their songs in the last year, and I found them dated. Be that as it may, I have great memories of listening to their music back in the day. Later: I downloaded the Cars Greatest Hits. I put the songs on an USB which I played in the car. I played the Cars in the car!! Tony told me he liked the songs. He then made a reasonably good guess as to from what era the band was. "Are they the 80s or 90s?" he asked.

  • In July and early August, I had been buying cold bottles of Corona at a small shop near Casa Kaulins. But then I went on vacation and brought back Crown Royal. So I switched from drinking beer to whiskey. I went to the small shop in early September and the lady running the shop asking me if I wasn't drinking beer anymore. She piqued my conscience and so the next day I went to her shop and bought two bottles of Corona. Only 20 RMB!

  • I was waiting at an intersection for a green walk signal. When it came on, I of course started walking. A motorcycle with man and child, going in direction of the red light, then came to a stop right in front of me, blocking my path. I had to stop and I saw that the man was intently and inscrutably staring straight ahead, in a way that only Chinamen can, and that he was oblivious to the fact that he had blocked my path. I would have loved to have pushed the motorcycle over on its side. As it was I made a point of bumping against the motorcycle as I walked around it so as to at least make the man aware of my presence.

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