Friday, September 21, 2007

The three Ds of Communist China

Dirt.  China is a very dirty country.  There is garbage and rubble everywhere.  The  first thing that strikes you about the countryside is the garbage that never gets collected.  The same can be said for the city.  If it is not on their property, no one will lift a finger to clean an eyesore.

Driving.  The Chinese are corrupt drivers.  In Canada, they would be said to be bad.  But I say they are corrupt here because far too many Chinese think the rules of traffic don't apply to them.  They also don't seem to think beyond themselves.  So often, I have seen Chinese drivers do things because they are thinking "me me" instead of cooperating with other drivers.  An example is a cut off maneuver I always see where it would have made more sense to let the other driver through and both would have mutually benefited,but instead both drivers lose time.

Destruction.  Nothing in China is built to last a long time.  That is why a country with so long a history has so little to show for it other than Mao statues.  Wuxi has a much longer history than the city of Winnipeg in Canada which was founded in the mid 19th century.  Yet, Winnipeg has more history to see than Wuxi which apparently has a 2000 year history.

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