Saturday, April 28, 2007

Quiet Sunday Morning here in Wuxi.

I must have this blog set on Canada time. Really, it is April 29 in the a of m.

The wife is still asleep. I play on the computer.

Whenever the wife rouses, I will have work to do. We will clean the house and pack for next week.

My most important decision is what books to bring along. I will bring Armageddon by Leon Uris, a pulp novel about the cold war that I am actually enjoying. I am thinking to bring Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham as my second novel. I will also bring along STET: Dammit by Florence King, a collection of her Misanthrope's Corner columns. A Call to Arms by Lu Xun is also a possibility. Basic Chinese: an elementary grammar and the Lonely Planet Mandarin Phrasebook are a must. Now if only the wife will let me carry these things.

Alas, packing can be a source of squabbles.

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