Monday, January 13, 2025

3:07 & 5:22 PM Views

 The Upper photo is an authentic view.  It’s from the old Casa Kaulins.  The lower photo is the current Casa Kaulins.

Between 3:07 PM and 5.22 PM, I did the following:

1) Looked around the old apartment.  My wife still owns it because the real estate market in China has gone bust.

2) Read over a third of The Courage to Be Disliked.  It boils down, I think, to a simple premise:  everything in life is subjective.

3) Misplaced this phone.  I was lying on the carpet, reading the book, when the washing machine made a “it was finished” sound.  I had washed a jacket. I wanted to spin it in the machine for another ten minutes.  The washing machine, being all in Chinese, I had to ask AI and use translators to find the spin cycle.  Having figured that out, I went to the bathroom  and then buttered and ate some French bread.  I misplaced my phone and it took ten minutes for me to finally find it on the counter.  I said to myself, during the search, that I would make a blog entry about it.

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