Friday, April 12, 2024

9:42 AM View


Mid morning.  Halfway through breakfast I am.

I heard the news of OJ Simpson’s death from my son.  I asked him what three things OJ was famous for: football, Nordberg and the great chase with all the police cars he told me.

Student actually asked me about the NCAA tournament,  I told him I hadn’t followed it.  Thinking about it, I hadn’t followed it since the 1990s.  When sophomores and juniors could go to the NBA, the tournament lost prestige in my eyes.

My son told me that Bayern Munich’s 11 year Bundesliga champion streak had come to an end this year.  I wasn’t aware of the streak till then.  I recall watching a show called Soccer Made in Germany, years ago, on PBS which featured edited match footage of that league.

Like father, like son.  My son is feeling isolated from his high school classmates because of his being older and his biracialness. I recall feeling similarly isolated in my high school and middle school years on account of my eccentricities and my Latvianess.  Recently, Anthony is seeking my company to alleviate his loneliness.  My advice to him is to remember high school is a short time, to find something with which to occupy himself like an all encompassing interest, not to do stupid things when things are shitty, and to hold on to those who care for him like true friends and family.

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