Friday, February 17, 2023

In Wuxi for a Weekend


I’m in Wuxi this weekend.

Eventful it has been, in a way.

I managed to get a local driver annoyed.  He had cut me off.  So I cut him off.  He then then one of those maneuvers done by a driver with road rage… towards me.  Interesting.  Very interesting.

My son and I went to a downtown shopping mall around lunch time.  The Hen Long Mall parking garage was full.  It took us forever to find a parking spot.  When we did, we spent an even longer time waiting for an elevator to take us to the surface.  There had to be stairs, I said to my son.  And there was.  As we were in the stairwell, I encountered a foreigner, and complained to him that we had spent ten minutes waiting for a lift.  He shared my exasperation.

We went to the mall so we could go to this place that sells pizza by the slice.  It’s not in the mall, but a couple blocks away.  We both had a slice of pepperoni pizza and a slice of chicken jalapeño pizza.  Another foreigner came in the place and I overheard him say that the one city he wanted to go in the world was Rome, for it was the center of the world.

Just as we left the restaurant, we encountered yet another foreigner.  He looked to be walking down the street and he seemed to be wondering about the place we had just left.  I said to him that the pizza in this place was good.  He said to me: “I’ll give her a try, mate!”

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