Saturday, October 15, 2022

Bishop Sheen

I was listening to a Podcast that plays recordings of old  talks given by Bishop Fulton Sheen.  Sheen, in his time, was a superstar in the sense that he was well known beyond Catholic circles.  His like does not exist today. 

(Not to say that aren't current Catholic types I don't love.  There is David Warren, William Briggs, and Gavin Ashendon .  And of course Mother Angelica.  But back to Sheen...)

In the podcast, Sheen had this to say about Unions and Capitalists.  Unions want things but they never ask for more duties. They never say we need to work more hours ever.  Contrariwise, he also said that Capitalists were negligent of their duties. For instance, stockholders had an absolute right to the profits of a corporation in an arrangement where they were on no obligation to do anything.

(I'll admit what I have typed is not detailed and is superficial. But I think I have a big point to make.)

The BLM movements and Transgender right movements seem unaware of obligations and duties.  The people whom BLMers despise seem more aware of this.  They are aware of the state of mind of black people and would like to provide succour. But BLMers seem only to want vengeance. They never offer any ideas of a relationship where all people can benefit.  The transgendered movement seem to want more than being tolerated.  They want to be celebrated in a way where they have no empathy with the people whom they make uncomfortable.

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