Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Hey Dad, Where Did You Get That?; Quarantine if I leave Wuxi, China; Agree? Disagree?; Biden is a Moderate?; Smartphones are Evil; Lineups at Local Hospitals; Quarantine if I go to Canada; A Leaf between Two Prison Bars;

I must be cool somehow if my son Tony asks where I acquired a piece of clothing I was wearing. 

What was I wearing?  A great hoodie bearing an "H" crest and the words "Hawaii Warriors".  Tony is not the first to tell me they like the hoodie nor the first to ask me where I got it.

I wonder, however, if I should want my thirteen-year-old son to like what I am wearing, to the point where he thinks it is cool.

I have been told that if I choose to go to Jenny's hometown for Spring Festival, I would have to be quarantined when I came back to Wuxi.  I see a loophole in this.  If Jenny chooses for us to go to her hometown, I could say I didn't choose, my Chinese wife did and I had no choice.

Subject of a Speaker's Corner:  "Agree? Disagree?".  I discovered the audience disagreed with me about most things, except for the statement "Parenting style makes no difference." where some students said that families with many children have children who are all different.

Someone told me that Biden got the nomination of the Democrat Party because he was seen as a moderate.  Really?????

One needs a tracking code to get on the Wuxi subway.  I had to swear to get on the subway.  I saw an old couple visibly angry at the requirement.

I couldn't have bought pizza at Dominos because I didn't have the proper payment method set up on my phone.  I had to put my foot down to get served.

The old ladies at my Speakers Corners can't seem to understand why I am suspicious of Communist China's embrace of using the Smartphone for shopping and other activities that normally involve cards and documents.  They cite its convenience.  They don't seem to understand the totalitarian uses that this convenience can sucker them into.

The going seems most convenient just before one comes upon the waterfall.

There are longer lineups of cars waiting to park at the two hospitals that are near our school.  I learned from the students at my Speakers Corner that people had to get COVID tests done if they wanted to go to other cities and districts during the upcoming Spring Festival.

I am stuck in Wuxi, China on account of the doings of the Chinese Communist government and the Canadian Communist government.  If by chance I did go back to Canada, I would currently have to shell out an additional two thousand dollars to stay in a quarantine hotel.

David Warren, my favorite blogger, had it right.  The current Canadian flag is a shriveled dying red leaf between two red prison bars.

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