Friday, January 3, 2020

Trump is Black; Wittgenstein; 2019 for AKIC, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Account Now; New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Chinese Elevator Behavior, Things I Would Like to See in 2020; My Feelings about Chinese Drivers Would Get Me Arrested i

[This entry is an amalgamation of two blog entries. I started each on different computers and I forgot to transfer them to the other computer till both were practically finished. Best then I thought to just put them together.]

  • The case for Trump's impeachment is silly. They want to impeach Trump because of what he is. The attempt to impeach Trump would be like the Republicans trying to have impeached Obama because he was black. The Democrats in trying to fight prejudice are doing so on the basis of another sort of prejudice.

  • Wittgenstein, the philosopher. Homosexual, not good. But he had Catholic inclinations and he insisted on having a Catholic burial even though he never attended Church. His philosophy or thinking or whatever what he was doing came down to something very simple: the paradox of our existence. Did he ever come upon the writings of Chesterton?

  • Most of 2019 for me was the anticipation of my son Tony's and I's trip to North America. The trip itself was okay but could never live up to every hope I had for it. But it did effect Tony in some ways for which I had been hoping. Tony really liked seeing all the sporting events and seeing America. I then spent a lot of the year thinking about how much I was hating mainland China and the mainland Chinese. I prayed the rosary throughout the year but it didn't do much to diminish this very un-Christian attitude. And so I spent the latter part of the year with the mindset that Tony and I would flee to Canada in 2020.

  • I recently finished reading a book entitled Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now. The author claimed to have a lot of experience in the IT industry. He started out well with a question that I will ask the students for the rest of my teaching career about whether they would be a cat or a dog if forced to make such a choice. (I prefer to a cat because of their independence and inability to be herded.) However, he then went to computer tech talk gibberish when presenting his ten arguments. When he was understandable, he managed to show that he knew he was an incurable leftist anti-Trumper while still being unable to transcend it. He talked about how hyper-partisan Fox News was without mentioning CNN and MSNBC. He showed he believed in the Russian conspiracy theory as well as nefarious conspiracies on the part of Social Media to advance arguments for White Supremacy and anti-Abortion. What I concluded from the biased screed was that all Leftists should cancel their social media accounts and let normals keep theirs.

  • New Year's Eve, I didn't do anything. Not such a bad thing since really New Year's Eve is a b.s. celebration. But it would have been nice to have refused invitations, but none were forthcoming.

  • New Year's Day, I, my wife Jenny and my son Tony went downtown. We didn't drive which was good because traffic was terrible. (At one point, we saw these drivers who thought they could avoid the snarls on the big roads by going down side streets, which in fact were more snarled.) Still, the pedestrian traffic was also annoying and I had to conclude and resolve forever more that the best thing to do on a Chinese holiday was nothing, stay home. I did see one interesting thing: there is some elevated road construction going on a road near Casa Kaulins. Part of the project was finished and these twin bridges were opened for traffic. One of the features of the bridges was a wide lane for bicycles and e-bikes. And of course these cars and vans and SUVs decided to drive on them to get around the heavy New Year's Day traffic. But the lane was dead-ended at one end.

  • I got on this elevator with two deliverymen who were loaded down with things. We were all to get off at the same floor. As the door opened these two females stood right the entrance, waiting to get on. I was the first to get off and the females couldn't wait for me to get off and they tried to get on; so I adopted a wide posture and blocked the way for the delivery guys, but that didn't stopped one of the girls from still trying to squirm around me. As I have blogged repeatedly, the local Chinese have this horrible habit of not yielding to people who are getting off trains and buses and elevators. This girl was an extreme example of this.

  • Things I would like to see in 2020: Re-election of Trump, Xi Jing Ping's conversion to Roman Catholicism; The Dallas Mavericks lead by Kristaps Porzingus winning the NBA championship; and the Winnipeg Jets winning the Stanley Cup.

  • The feelings I have when driving among Chinese drivers, if expressed aloud and recorded in Canada, would get me arrested. A Chinese women driving like a Chinese person in Canada and possessing Chinese manners, stole a parking spot from a local in Hamilton, Ontario. The local Canadian got so pissed off that they went on a rant, which was recorded and the local subsequently got arrested.

  • Friday morning, I went downtown early so I could get a haircut before I went to work. The salon I was to go to was open at ten, so I decided to get downtown around nine so I could have breakfast at McDonalds. At about 9:10, I got off at the Sanyang Plaza station where I knew there to be a nearby McDonalds, but it turned out that the McDonalds, which was part of a department store food court, didn't open till 9:30. So I wandered around Sanyang Plaza and got to the entrance of the department store at 9:25. I waited till 9:30 and when the doors opened I immediately went to the McDonalds. However, I saw that their menus showed hamburgers and french fries. I said to the clerk there: "Meiyou zaofan?" She confirmed that there was no breakfast, with a laugh. I sighed and I walked away. I ended up buying a sandwich at a nearby Subway sandwich shop which didn't have a breakfast menu either, but I was able to get them to make a bacon, cheese and tomato sandwich. I took that to a nearby Starbucks where I had a cafe mocha. It was better than nothing. But I had to wonder who would have a Big Mac or french fries so early in the morning.

  • Saturday Morning, I took the 602 bus to the Xi Bei Canal Subway Station. At the Xi Bei bus stop, there was a van pulled up loading or unloading passengers. The bus pulled up alongside it and opened its doors for passengers to deboard. The van driver, having done whatever it was doing at the bus stop (where it shouldn't have been at in the first place), instead of yielding to the passengers getting off the bus, drove past the bus blocking the way of passengers getting off the bus. I swore at the driver and then punched the back of the van. I was angry like that woman whose parking spot was stolen by stupid Chinese in Canada.

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