Wednesday, January 22, 2025

9:18 AM View: Thoughts about driving from Wuxi to Changzhou and back

 Driving from here to Changzhou and back, I made an observation, that had recently come to me while in Chongqing, to Weiming Zhao about how China is full of engineering but not beauty.  I said this after complaining about the monotony of driving past endless similar looking apartment towers.  It was all very ugly.  The roads were nicely built, I did say.  However, the overall effect of the engineering was oppressiveness.

Also annoying about the drive were all the trucks, so many traffic lights, so many Chinese drivers, and so many lanes maybe being left turn lanes or not causing one to either be forced to change lanes or to be cut off by other drivers being forced to change lanes.

And all these dazzling infrastructures that I see being praised by foreigners on WeChat videos are heavily subsidized by the government.  

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