Spent the day at home, posting on social media and reading.
I finished reading The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishini. The author via an imagined dialogue tries to explain Adlerian Psychology slash Philosophy in the manner of Plato trying to explain Socrates. It was right in saying that our happiness depends on our subjective reaction to things and relationships. However it didn’t satisfy my major objection: the problem of evil.
I finished reading Volume 4 of The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand. This French aristocrat author I only recently discovered thanks to David Warren. He would be dismissed as a bigot or reactionary today which raises him in my estimation.
I finished reading Gravity & Grace by Simone Weil. I had listened to a podcast on Weil in which these academic philosophers savaged the compiler of this book. They called Gustavo Thibon a right wing conservative priest and said he had defaced Weil’s philosophical thought by turning it into religious mysticism. Poppycock! It is an illuminating book.
This Chongqing tunnel was on the path to this beautifully situated BBQ restaurant. Pedestrians and cars used to this tunnel to get from an apartment complex to an important city road. Seemed strange to me that no barriers had been placed in the tunnel to separate the cars and the walkers.
Here is the food and the views.
The outdoor BBQ restaurant afforded one a great view of the Chongqing skyline and the Yangtze River.
Kansas City and the team that changed its nickname won their NFL quarterfinal playoff games.
Jerry Seinfeld was right and proper when he said that in following sports, we’re cheering for laundry. More exactly, he meant uniforms. The NFL had great uniforms but recently they have become ugly. Case in point, the Detroit Lions. I have sympathy for the fact that they haven’t won for so long, but it’s hard to cheer for a team with these uniforms:
What is up with the dark pants? That aesthetic I associate with low level college or high school teams. This was never done in the NFL’s classic age.
Chongqing is Shanghai with hills. A thought.
Chongqing is a typical Chinese city but with hills
Chongqing is full of engineering but not beauty. It seems to be transitioning from old communist buildings to modern engineered building meant to impress and overawe. It is full of novelty. Trinkets not crucifixes.
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