Monday, February 10, 2020

No School for All of February; My Biggest Worry; Looking Out My Apartment Window; Memes That Come to Mind; Got a Baseball and Glove; Silence;

  • When my wife Jenny got news that my son Tony didn't have to go to school till March at the soonest, I expected to hear about my school doing the same. And I did. I won't be working till March, unless I can find some online work. Jenny doesn't like this news, not because of the financial hit, but because she says my useless body will be around the house for a month.

  • On social media, I hear news of malls closing and their grocery stories along with them. That is the big worry for me. The virus is not my biggest concern because I figure that even in the worst case scenario – millions dying – that this is China where a billion and more would still be living.

  • I look out the window of my apartment and I don't see much traffic but I have seen some delivery trucks, people walking with food purchases and some street cleaners.

  • I have whiled away some time looking for topical memes to post on social media. I have found lots of gas mask images, a gif of Homer Simpson entranced by a Bobbing Bird; and Steve McQueen playing catch in solitary confinement.

  • Speaking of Steve McQueen being in solitary, I do have a couple baseball gloves in the apartment. I imagine locals can while away the time with badminton or ping pong equipment.

  • Jenny wasn't feeling well for a day so there were long moments of silence in the apartment. At 7:00 PM, with Jenny asleep, I was struck by how eerily silent it was. Normally, at 7:00 PM, there would lots of noise from cars and pedestrians passing below our apartment. These days at 7:00 PM, I am accustomed to hearing Jenny tiger-mother tutor Tony.

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