Monday, October 8, 2018

Sitting on the Wuxi Metro, Watching a Video of Eleven

Sitting on the Wuxi Metro, I was, on my way home from my place of employ.

It is my current habit, as I sit on the train going home, to listen to a podcast on my now eight year old Ipod and look at the people around me.  Sometimes, something on the Train's video screens catch my eye.

One such thing was a video of Chairman Xi (Eleven) visiting/inspecting a factory full of groups of enthusiastic workers, clapping in unison (like delegates at a party conference) eager to get a glimspe of him or to shake his hand.  At the end of the adulation, Xi was shown to be speaking to the assembled groups, telling them some wisdom that only he, as Chairman presumably, possessed.  Looking around the train, I had the feeling I was the only one watching the video.  The other passengers were looking at their smartphones.

It was such crude, typical, unimaginative Communist propoganda, that one could understand why no one was watching it. But yet, that one could be lead to believe Eleven did fashion himself as being as "great" a Chairman as Mao.

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