Saturday, August 31, 2024

5:56 AM View

 Sunday morning.  It’s still hot outside.  When I went for a walk yesterday, I sweated my proverbial ass off, I stunk by the time I got home.

This evening, Tony & I will in Jingle Jangles…

Nicknames I  have changed to on WeChat this weekend: Kaulins, Cowlinch, K E A, zK E A and now zK.  I’m making it hard for them to find me.

Can’t fool Jenny.  She can sense I’m in a bad mood.

5:27 PM View

 I did get out of the 27th floor apartment to take Tony to a beautician.  While he was there, I went for a walk.

I saw this:

And I saw this:

Here’s the translation:

Friday, August 30, 2024

9:34 AM View

 Yesterday afternoon, Tony & Jenny drove to Jiangyin.  If I hadn’t phoned, they would have dropped in on me by surprise. Tony had to be at school for an opening class get together.  Jenny asked me if I knew about it.  I said I didn’t.  She then huffed like I was supposed to have,

We then went to the Jiangyin Steak House for dinner,  I had fried rice with beef and goose liver & a Caesar salad.

I’m currently working on my entry for September 6th which will mark my 20th anniversary of living in China.

Do I have any readers or are bots visiting my blog?  

Fucking make a comment if you are!

6:43 AM View

 Last night, I had a Crown Royal with cola and ice.  I won’t be drinking this on weekday evenings, let me tell you.  

Not sure what’s in store for today,  I should be prepping for Monday.

No Z-man podcast to listen to last night.  It’s a long weekend in the USA, and in Canada too.

More purging on my social media accounts.

The wife said we should go to Suzhou for one night tonight.  That idea horrifies me,

7:18 PM View

 I’m home.  I’m subdued.  I’m making myself a stiff drink.

It’s not going to be a good school year for me.

But these dark clouds do have some positives.  You’ll have to read my memoirs to find out….

Meanwhile, I read that Harris’s first interview, which was chaperoned, was a disaster.  The NYT will probably say it was successful.

The used book I bought in Brandon, on a whim, is turning out be be a diamond in the rough purchase:  the poems of Saint John the Cross, translated by Roy Campbell, are stirring.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

6:39 AM View

 Friday.  School year starts Monday.  I’ll go to Wuxi this weekend.

Today, I’ll go to school to do what I can to prepare,

Trump should win the election in a landslide.  But the numbers aren’t there and the Dems will cheat.

If Hartis wins, the Trumpets should be angry.  It’ll be a case of having been cheated by skulduggery and willful stupidity.

Joy and change? Come on!

6:33 PM & 7:45 PM Views

 I took the photo above and then went for a walk.

I walked along Furong Road and the High Speed Rail Track in an easterly direction.

I eventually came upon an interchange.  I knew that there would be tunnels going underneath it.

This lead to paths that would let me change my path to a westerly direction.  The path afforded me views of some infrastructure.

It also allowed me to go in a westerly direction without dealing with Furong Road traffic.

I saw a high-speed train along the way: 

Finally, I was back at the Jingle Jangles apartment.

4:11 PM View

 I’m listening to a good podcast.

I try to use Telegram but I repeatedly get this message:

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

6:53 AM View

 We have training on a new grade and attendance recording system.  Apparently, it can translate our comments into Chinese for parents.

Meanwhile, international schools are hiring more bilingual teachers.

6:44 PM & 7:34 PM Views

 Before I went for a walk.

And after.

I took a lap around three or four apartment complexes.

4:20 PM View

 Did and some work and there is video to prove it!

Well!  Alright!

Go Trump!  Harris is pathetic!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

6:50 AM View

 I’ve overslept a little.

Back to the campus to prep I will go.

Duolingo streak is at 1676.

5:52 PM View

 Conference is over.  Back in Jiangyin.

Monday, August 26, 2024

5:23 AM View

 Second and last morning of the 2024 Dipont Conference.  

My cohort at dinner last night;

The streak this morning:

Sunday, August 25, 2024

5:13 AM View

 The view from 2917 this morning.

Last night, I went to the Bear Pond and the Red Lion. I drank and smoked too much.

4:11 PM View

 I’m staying at the Intercontinental Hotel in Wuxi for the Dipont Annuak Conference.

Room 2917.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

5:53 AM View

 I’m up early this morning but I didn’t sleep well at all last night.

Hopefully, RFK’s endorsement of Trump is a big deal.

Harris was lying about Jan 6.

6:38 PM View

 After supper, I’m being driven back to Jingle Jangles.

Today’s DV had a copyright problem.  Here is the second version of it:

Friday, August 23, 2024

10:38 AM View

 Shit! I just said.  I’ve just arisen.  That was not the plan at all.

Yesterday, I watched this for the Jiangyin Friendship Association.

Not exciting as it had no translation.

Jenny & Tony then came to pick me up.  They took me to Wuxi.  We went to the outlet mall to celebrate his birthday.  Unfortunately, Tony got in a bad mood for which he apologized.

I got to catch up on some things:

Thursday, August 22, 2024

6:34 AM View

 17 years ago Today (August 23), my son Anthony Arnis Peng Kaulins was born in Wuxi, China.

I will see him later today.  His mom and he will come pick me up and take me to Wuxi.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

6:27 AM View

 I’m off to a slow start today.  I was up in the middle of the night.

5:34 PM View

 What have I done today?  Just sat around and watched the planes fly over…. A reference to an 80s song that my son Tony has heard, and loves too, btw.

I made a PPT today.  Boy oh Boy!  So productive!  Tomorrow, schemes of work.

The Harris/Wslz campaign can’t possibly win.  It is the most ridiculous presidential ticket since the Hilary Clinton ticket and the Biden/Harris and the Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan ticket.  The last name Walz is not the name for an executive.  I cite the O’Toole principle (a reference to a preposterous person who became leader of the Canadian Conservative Party).

And yet it might.

Changed my second WeChat ID Nane to AAA insurance and then to Godzilla.  The first name put me on top of some contact lists.  The second allowed me to scare people.

I updated the intro to my AKIC DV.  Wait for it to premier twelve hours from now.

Interesting that a certain Simon Elmer who has a lot to say about the bad consequences of mass immigration lives in Hong Kong.  Like the mainland, HK is not visibly full of immigrants.  China, said Elmer, was a coherent place because of its homogeneity.  Canada, as I observed, was not.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

6:00 AM View

 I did a bit of work yesterday.  It being my first day back.

But I got a lot to do and a lot of decisions to make for my plans for the year.

Stayed in my corner classroom.  I felt like I was the only one there doing any work.

Monday, August 19, 2024

5:57 AM View

 Back in Jingles Jingles where work starts for real at 9:00 AM.

I watched this video showing a town hall meeting a Canadian woman complained about her hydro bill and the carbon tax to PM Trudeau.  Trudeau admitted that the carbon tax was causing consternation and said that the hydro costs were a provincial responsibility.  I commented that “Trudeau was a complete piece of sh*t”.  The comment has garnered over 40 likes so far.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

6:48 AM View

 Yesterday, after taking my view photo, I went back to sleep.  I didn’t wake up till 1:40 PM.  It must have been the Crown Royals I drank.

Last night, I continued the purging of my social media accounts.  On WeChat, my contact deleting reduced me to 70 contacts.  On Facebook, I unfriended over 80 contacts.

Today, I will return to Jiangyin. Tomorrow, work starts for real.