Sunday, July 7, 2024

3:41 PM View

Sunday afternoon, my wife Jenny is working and my son Tony is going to work.  I’m at home, recovering from the July 4th operation.

I told someone, who asked, that I was at 80 percent in my recovery.  I’m still sore in the abdomen and it hurts to cough.  When I have to clear my throat, I feel a sharp needle like pain in my midriff.  I’ve been taking a lot of naps and feeling groggy as well.  I have all these plans to wander the area about the Casa Kaulins 2, but I’ll have to shelve them till I recover.

Tomorrow, we’ll be taking a train to Shanghai in an attempt to make an appointment to collect biometric information  for Jenny’s Visa appointment.  Supposedly, this appointment can be made online, but the website keeps giving us error messages.  So, to the VAC we go in a desperate attempt to move Jenny’s Visa application process along.  We’re supposed to be going to Canada on July 24th.  We haven’t bought the air tickets yet because we don’t yet have Jenny’s Visa.  It’s so tempting to say fuck it and not go, save money.  But I haven’t been to Canada since 2019, which was in the before times, and have to see my Mom.

BTW, I haven’t been to Shanghai since 2021, which was before they had their draconian lockdowns.

What will happen with Biden?  From what I can make out about the process, it would be best for everyone concerned if he drops dead.  Even his resigning would be trouble because the old coot would still have power to determine a successor.  And irony of ironies, the Dems convention is in Chicago this year.  1968 all over again?

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