Friday, December 15, 2023

Questions about living in China

 I asked Poe Ai to ask me ten questions about my experiences of living in China.

AI: Certainly! Here are ten interview questions about living in China:

1. How would you describe the cultural diversity and richness in different regions of China?

Dumb question.  I asked for questions about my experience living in China.

2. What are some of the most significant cultural traditions or festivals celebrated in China?

Chinese New Year and burning counterfeit cash at funerals.

3. How has the rapid economic growth in China impacted the daily lives of its citizens?

Their standard of living has increased.  Any other stupid questions that are beside the point?

4. Can you share some insights into the Chinese education system and its emphasis on academic achievement?

It can benefit a certain personality type.  Some other types are left stunted by it.


A Chinese student’s day and week have far too many classes for my tastes.

Cheating is rampant.

Test scores are everything.

Most Chinese students have no motivation to study English.

5. How would you describe the role of family and community in Chinese society?

Family is still important but the one child policy has warped it.  Now many young people don’t ever want to have children.

6. What are some of the major challenges or opportunities for foreign individuals or businesses looking to work or invest in China?

I’m not telling you.

7. How has technology, particularly mobile apps and digital payment systems, transformed daily life in China?

Cash is almost never seen.  Shopping and going into restaurants can’t be done without a mobile phone app.

8. What are some of the unique culinary experiences or regional dishes that you would recommend to visitors in China?

Can you ask me about my experiences in China?  You stupid ignorant A.I. app!  Stick your virtual head into a virtual toilet!

Xinjiang or Lanzhou noodles.

9. Can you discuss the current environmental challenges faced by China and the efforts being made to address them?

No I can’t.  Not because I can’t.  I can but won’t.

10. In your opinion, what are some of the most significant cultural or societal changes that China has undergone in recent years?

One child policy and mobile phones have thrown a wrench into China’s gears.

If anybody has real human questions about living in China, you can comment below or email me at or or

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