Saturday, July 22, 2023

I am not a neocon anymore!

 There was a time when I labelled myself a wannabe neocon.  Why?  Because they were against communism and for liberal democracy.  I thought their goal to spread the latter around the world was worthy.

Well now, I regret having thought such a thing.  How did this come about?  Trump’s candidacy and reading Pat Buchanan’s columns.  In the latter, Buchanan took the Christian position that we should have showed magnanimity to Russia after beating them in the Cold War.  That wasn’t done.  As well, there was the clownish and ineffectual behavior of neocons like Jonah Goldberg, John Bolton and John Podhoretz.  The latter was dead wrong about Trump’s election and even supported Trudeau during the Truckers protest.

I make this entry as a marker in case anyone cares to look at my past blogging.

How do I classify myself now?  A wannabe Reactionary in the mode of Nicolás Gómez Dávila: the Nietzsche of the Andes.

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