Saturday, November 12, 2022

Forgot to Take a Photo

 Should have taken a picture

I got covid-tested in Wuxi.  Forgot to take a photo of it.  But. Trust me. I did.  While waiting in line, I had to ignore these teenage boys who were talking about a bearded foreigner near them.  It did make me glad I pulled a prick maneuver on that local driver earlier (see previous entry).  When in a country of pricks, be a prick.

I did take a photo of a lineup of people trying to get into the Wuxi Ikea.

The usual procedure to enter the store had been changed and many were confused.  Instead of scanning a QR code to bring up a Health App code, you had to bring up a code out the Health App yourself, show the code to a machine that scans that and also takes your temperature.  I said aloud the fudge word.  What is the f***ing point? I asked aloud.  Shame on whoever’s idea it was.  Shame on the Chinese people for putting up with it.

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