Friday, February 4, 2022

The Olympics

I suppose that since I am in China, I might as well say something about the Olympics currently being hosted here.

It may well be that since I am south of the Yangtze, there isn't much Winter Olympic fever or Olympic syndrome or Olympic flu or Olympic disease or Olympic variant to be witnessed.  This may also be because a lot of locals wear face-diapers and I can't see their Olympic addled countenances.  Or it may be because I am the one doing the witnessing and because I live an expatriate life where I am oblivious to the doings and the moods of the locals that I am blind to the excitement.  I am also more interested in what the Canadian truckers and their evil enemies are doing. (How I wish Coward-19 would resign!)

Still, the Chinese regime is doing a good job of containing Covid and Olympic fever isn't it?  And as I sit in a crowded shopping mall, typing this, I don't see any olympicy things.

The opening ceremony was on the TV in our living room.  My wife & son were watching it and I told them to tell me when the Latvian team made an appearance.  Tony dutifully warned me and I was disappointed to see that all the team members were wearing face diapers .  I was hoping the Latvian Olympians would make me as proud as Canadian truckers.  Alas, they were being like Latvian Rifles, circa 1918.

I won't be doing much Olympics watching.

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