Sunday, December 13, 2020

Fingers Crossed; Biden Corruption; My Son Struggles; 150 Books?; Square Dancing: a CR Artefact?; Two Sorts of People I Hate; My Current State of Health; My Communication with Laoweis;

I have my fingers crossed that the poo will hit the fan about the stolen election and that the liberal progressive globalist attempt to act like nothing has happened will blow up in their faces, big time.

Good to see that there is still news about Hunter and Joe Biden's corruption available.  Only problem is that it should be more widely known.

In China, I have to worry about helping my son Tony get through his struggles at his new school.  We really need to talk more.  I have got to raise his English abilities.

Maybe, I can read my 150th of the year later this month.  Right now, I am about to finish my 140th:  Suicide of the West by James Burnham.

The old ladies, who attend my Speaker's Corner, tell me that the public group dancing I often see in open public open spaces came about during the cultural revolution because of everyone wanting to show their loyalty to Chairman Mao.  Hitherto, I had thought it was a quaint Chinese custom.  That it started during the Cultural Revolution troubles me. Maybe perhaps it instead resulted from the introduction of music players into China.  The dancing can't take place without them.

Two sorts of people I hate the most:  White Liberals (aka Shitlibs) and Chinese drivers.  They both pursue their interests without regards for others, and they corrupt others in the process.

My health is not so wonderful these days.  I get pains on my chest when I am busy, and I have gallstones or a hernia always causing my discomfort.  I suppose I might just as well say I am getting old.

I communicate more with laoweis (non-Chinese people) via the internet than in person.

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