Monday, April 2, 2018

Tony Questions My Sanity

It was Saturday evening.  Tony & I were walking away from Burger King, heading to our car so we could drive to his 1830-2000 swim class.  Tony is not very enthusiastic about swimming classes but has to go because his mother insists and because she has paid for a year of them.  So, Tony was in a griping mood and blurted out the following:  "China is so boring!  I want to go to Canada!" to which I told him I heard and understood.

Tony then asked me a question that put me on the spot:  "Why did you decide to move to China?"  He asked this question in a tone that suggested I was crazy for having decided to come.  I answered him by saying that I came to China for the sake of travel.  I then told him that if I hadn't come to China, he wouldn't never have been born.

Really, he should have asked why I was still in China and why I was so crazy as to have not gone back to Canada.  I would have answered that there were a number of reasons:  going back to Canada would be hard; his mother wants to stay in China; and despite the dullness of our life in China, we were doing fairly well with a car and a paid-off apartment.  And yet, I feel like I am at the end of my string in China and that Tony needs to experience something other than the mindless and soul-killing Chinese Schooling System.

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