Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chinese economic woes.

Chinese Exports decline for the first time in seven years. It had to happen sooner or later. I have to cross my fingers it is not the start of a long term trend.

I have no urge to pick on the Big 0. But I have to ask how could anyone come out of the Chicago and Illinois political scene without having done something sleazy?

Lucy, a former student of mine and a good friend, recently had a baby boy who weighed a whopping 8.1 jin at birth. My wife will visit Lucy and provide me with more details.

The weather has become annoyingly mild for me. I dressed for colder weather. I am not enjoying the sunny afternoons wearing long johns and a sweater.

There was some rejoicing on the left when Daniel Ortega managed to get himself elected as President of Nicaragua again. I remember it was his defeat in an election in the 1980s forced by Ronald Reagan that led me to abandon the left-wing cause for seemingly ever. Ortega's recent victory was a disappointment to me but when I learned more details about it I saw that it was no repudiation of my left-wing abandonment. Ortega didn't get any more votes than when he was ousted from power in the first election. The rules had been changed to favour him. And now that he has been back in power, he has earned himself the title of the Mugabe of the Americas.

It was John Milton's 400th birthday recently. Milton is a hero of those who believe in human freedom and liberty. So, it is probably only conservatives that have commemorated the milestone. I can't see how the Left would be. I suppose they are too busy celebrating the election of Obama and thinking the bailout of the big three automakers is a great thing. Here is John Derbyshire's tribute.

1 comment:

Danny said...

Do you ever watch Stephen Colbert on-line? He has a very similar sense of satire as you, though not even he would think of using Milton for his political satire.