Sunday, May 4, 2008

Monday in Wuxi.

I was up at 630 AM.  Not because I want to but because I have to.  Now, I have just heard it said that to be happy in life one has to have more have-to's than want-to's.  Discuss.  I agree with what was said.  Personally, I take pride in being up so early.  To be someone who gets up a hour or ten minutes before they have to go to work is anathema to me.

All four of us went to the new apartment yesterday contrary to what my previous entry said would happen.  The four of us are Tony, Jenny, Ma Ma and me.  I hung about the apartment watching the new TV as workers installed things like curtains and the TV.  I also watched my wife deal with workers.  No wonder she is so tired all the time.  I was weary just being a by-stander.  And I christened the new flat-screen TV with my DVD copy of Patton.

I start today at ten.  I got a few things to do.  I got to talk to the boss about some things like editing the lesson plans and maybe creating new ones.  I got some ping-pong to play.  I have students and staff to talk to.  I have to try to think of a way to get two teachers to come to our school for two months over the summer.

Tony is in a pleasant mood this morning.  Over the past few weeks, he has started to fall sleep on his side and often on his stomach.  I don't know what it means other than it must be some phase he is going through.

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