Thursday, February 7, 2008

January First, Chinese Style.

Not much happening that I can write about.  It is a holiday.  There are a lot of fireworks.  We walked in downtown Wuxi and it was crowded.  We went to Pizza Hut.  I have been reading the Ronald Reagan book all day.  The author, Peter Robinson, wrote it like a self-help book with of course the Gipper providing lessons about life.

You can go my other blog to see photos of fireworks and my little son.  I take a whole slew of fireworks videos yesterday evening.

Some random thoughts:

Obama is the youngest man in the presidential race but he appears to have the oldest ideas.

Thanks to the Climate Change crowd, talking about the weather is now a political act.  Anyway, it is sad to be a conservative these days.  Even in China, where the argument about markets has been won.

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