Friday, July 20, 2007

The school blocks my latest video. Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

It is the school's network that is blocking my pregnancy update VII video.  It can be seen in China after all.  But just at HyLite.  No big loss really.  They aren't the demographic that videos of the sort I take appeal to anywho.

Simon is getting married tomorrow night.  The wife and i will of course attend the ceremony.

None of the classes I taught today left me with any sense of fulfillment.  Summer School students don't want to be there.  Some students are merely there to be babysat.  The Wuxi heat also drains me of any desire to talk.

Another day, another fire.

Here is something that Left-Wingers could not believe possible: A black woman who admires the U.S. and even thinks it is the greatest country in the world.  Ayaan Hirsi Ali interviewed by Avi Lewis on the CBC.  This Avi Lewis reminds of a NDP type I met twenty years ago.  At the time, I actually was an NDP voter.  But the bigotry of the NDPer towards America seemed a blatant betrayal of the anti-bigotry I thought the NDP was suppose to be about.  Avi Lewis is a bigot of the same ilk.  There was nothing that came out of his mouth that was not tainted with hatred of America.  He basically accused the Americans of doing all the things that have actually been done by Muslim extremists.  He could not help but detect a subtext in what he said to Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "I can't believe you are saying this.  You are a black woman!"

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