Monday, July 4, 2022

Not in a Good Mood

Stupid me.  I didn't do the Nasal Swab Test properly.  I used two kits and didn't get any red lines to show up in the test result indicator.  After, I still went to the lineup for the throat swab and had that test done.  It was irksome and so I let out a diatribe of f-words on a social media chat.

If I have any attentive readers, they may recall I said something about getting a job at a High School in Jiangyin city.  Jiangyin is part of Wuxi.  It borders on the Hui Shan district where our apartment is.  We, that be my wife & I, had planned to for me to drive to the High School from our apartment every day.  Now, with no end to the Covid nonsense, we have decided that I will rent an apartment in Jiangyin and come back to Wuxi every fortnight.  

So I am having to slowly get rid of stuff in the Xishan apartment which I have rented till the end of July.  There is too much stuff here for me to deal with.  Another reason I will have to rent an apartment in Jiangyin is that there isn't enough room in the Hui Shan apartment for all the stuff we have.  We bought stuff for the apartment in Xishan thinking we would move it in two years to our new 27th floor apartment which is being built now.  My being forced to leave the school in Xishan after one year ruined those plans.  That's another thing contributing to my bad mood.

Another reason I am not in a good mood is that I am in an awkward position socially.  For three months at school, I had to avoid people because I was in an awkward position of not being part of the family anymore, as it were.  Now, I am by myself basically, since I have no colleagues.  If I do run into acquaintances I feel peeved to say the least.

At least, the farmers in Holland are fighting a good fight.  And I pray the rosary to keep me from going completely off the deep end.

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