Sunday, January 12, 2020

Everyone is an A-hole

The rich are just assholes with stuff.

The poor are just assholes without stuff.

The middle class are just the assholes in between.

Socialists are just assholes who are stupid enough to think that redistribution can change this.

The broke are just assholes without money.

Politicians are just assholes who want power.

Activists are just assholes who think that being annoying is a good thing.

Criminals are just assholes who hurt other assholes.

Celebrities are just assholes known to all the other assholes.

Feminists are females who think that women can be assholes just like men.

Children are just little assholes.

Idealists are just assholes who believe that assholes can stop being assholes.

Communists are just assholes who believe that one day we will stop being assholes, but in the mean while assholes should be killed off to bring this glorious day when there will be a dictatorship of assholes who aren't assholes.

Comedians are just assholes who can make a living by talking like assholes.

Philosophers are just assholes who think too much.

Gurus are just assholes who can fool other assholes.

Do-gooders are just assholes.

Wise guys are just assholes who should be punched by other assholes.

Christians are mostly just assholes except for the saints who were nonetheless assholes as well but were able to overcome it in some aspect.

Muslims are just assholes who pray five times a day and lord it over the other assholes if they could.

Jews are just assholes, only more so.

The Chinese are just assholes who think they live in the asshole kingdom.

An asshole in a car thinks that just all the other assholes in all the other cars are assholes.

Victims, these days, are just assholes who were lucky enough to have had bad luck.

If you want to be thought of a real asshole, just point all this out to the other assholes.

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