Sunday, October 27, 2019

Shoving Locals; John Cleese; Dominos Pizza Wuxi; Proud Right Wing Troll; What Canada Doesn't and Does Need; Judging by Quality of Character

  • Taking the bus home one Saturday afternoon, I had to shove a man who had sat next to me because he had fallen asleep and had teetered over so that I couldn't rest my elbows. Earlier in the day, I had an encounter getting off the subway train where I wish I had shoved an older male local or at least had kicked his two-wheeled tote bag. Far too many locals don't seem to have the patience to let others get out of elevators or trains before they enter. Saturday morning, the older male trying to get on the train basically blocked my way off with his two-wheeler. I did give the two-wheeler a bit of a nudge but it was an unsatisfactory nudge from my point of view because it didn't stop my anger at the man from increasing. I immediately wished that had given the two-wheeler a good kick and the man a good shove so that he would have been pushed backwards.

  • I listened to an interview that Adam Carolla did with John Cleese. Cleese laughed in an offputting way that made himself seem insincere, admitted that he was going on a tour as a way of paying off a divorce settlement, said nothing that was funny, and made shrill comments about not liking Trump supporters. It was all rather sad. Cleese is in the unfortunate position of being an older John Cleese forced to live off his laurels gained over a quarter of a century ago. Kind of like, Marlon Brando having to spend the latter part of his life being Marlon Brando.

  • I took Tony to a Dominos Pizza that had opened in Wuxi. Tony liked its pepperoni pizza and told me that he wanted to go back. I can say that the pizza did seem like Dominos pizza. I was never a fan of Dominos Pizza when I was in Canada. So, I was only expecting to grade the Wuxi Dominos on authenticity, which I can say it had.

  • I will state that I am proud that I got called a Right Wing Troll on a WeChat Canadians in China group. Social groups like that are not the best places to have debates. They are good places to post memes and gifs, and to make stupid jokes, which I love to do. People who think these platforms are supposed to be only for so-called serious discussion pooh-pooh this sort of thing and so they call me a troll. Good.

  • Canada doesn't need more immigrants, doesn't need to do anything about climate change, and doesn't need to make its presence known in the world or just the United States. What it does need is to be Christian again and more conservative than the United States. That was it raison d'etat. That it turned in a more "progressive" country than the USA is a betrayal of its founding principles.

  • "Judge a person by the quality of his character and not the color of his skin." When MLK said this, it was not like people weren't already doing this, even the people he was railing against. What these railed-against people were doing was judging groups of people by their character. How these groups were classified was not only by color of skin, but many other factors as well such as dress and manner of speaking.

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