Friday, February 28, 2025

1:54 PM View: Hui Ju, Jackknife, Masked Foreigner


From the Citroën dealership, I drove to the Hui Ju (Huai Jew?) Mall.  Intention was to shop at IKEA food store, Hot Maxx, and buy some Subway sandwiches.  I accomplished two out of three.  The Subway shop at the Msll has shut down.  One less reason to go to that Mall.

I saw a foreigner at Hui Ju:  some white haired  man who was wearing a N95 mask.  First thought I had was why was he wearing a mask?  Was he was one of those Karenized males?  He happened to be heading to the same place I was:  the IKEA food shop.  He got to the cashier before I did and I made a point of not going anywhere near where he was, till he left.

Driving today was annoying.  There was lots of traffic. A truck route was closed so that there was a long lineup of trucks at one traffic light, making me try to take an alternative route.  But wouldn’t you know it, there was a traffic jam on the alternate route.  Behind a tall truck, I couldn’t see what the cause was till I got right up to it.  A truck and trailer was jackknifed blocking two lanes.

I heard about the Trump & Vance — Zelenskyy spat this morning. It was a case of whoever’s side you were on beforehand was how you saw the fight.  I myself wonder how long Z will be the Ukrainian leader.  He has become a roadblock to peace.

10:56 AM View: Citroën Dealership

 I’m in a waiting room.

What am I waiting for?  For them to put some cover on the windshield.  Jenny asked me if I thought it was a good idea to put the stuff below on the rest of the windows.

I said no!

6:24 AM Views: Gene Hackman R.I.P.

 I pointed the camera a little lower, than usual, for the above view photo to show how vehicles are parked right to the end of the road and beyond.

In this next photo, I turned my camera right to show the results of the excavating that was taking place last weekend.

Gene Hackman R.I.P.  He was a notable celebrity.  His death was strangely sad in that appears he had been dead awhile before it was discovered.  His death gave me the idea to show my students some memorable chase scenes from the French Connection.

5:36 AM View: Parked Cars

 I don’t know if you have noticed all the parked cars on the sides of the road above overnight.  They have no where else to park because they can’t afford parking spots  in the two apartment communities on either side of the photo.

7:24 PM View: WJ!!!!

 We took the train to get here 

Below is a photo taken as I was descending the stairs from the drop off area of the Jiangyin Train Station.

4:08 PM View: Photos

 We’re going to WJ tonight.

Here are some photos I took during this day;

First, a long lineup of cars waiting to either turn onto or cross Furong Avenue.

Next, a twenty year old pillow:

They didn’t have IPhones in 2005.

Next, a picture of a pond on the school grounds.

Because the Ayi was cleaning the apartment..,

…I decided to go to the school cafeteria for lunch and then take a photo of the school sports field.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

6:32 AM View: Not Forgotten

 Not forgotten is the parting view.

Not forgotten are the mistakes I’ve made and the acts of selfishness I’ve committed.

5:15 AM Views

 Straight ahead, I pointed as has been my habit.

And then I pointed right.

Gene Hackman died.  He was a great actor.  Maybe, I’ll show the students the chase scene from the French Connection.

I asked for it.  I canvassed the students for would you rather questions.  One student asked if I would rather eat shit that tastes like chocolate or chocolate that tastes like shit.  I said I’d eat the former because it was good shit.

5:07 PM View: Okay Day and Then

 It was a great day, I was getting things done until the students showed….

Second Semester, the grade 11s give up.  It has happened every year, I’ve been here.  It is anticipated and there is nothing that can be done about it.  The students attend extra classes and so their day time classes don’t become a priority.  Incapable of discipline, a lot of the students are exhausted by the end of the day.  The teachers might as well be talking to themselves.

Something, I did with A.I.  I want to be able to create an App to put on my phone.  I am working with Beeware, a python related app-maker.  I am trying to understand its commands.  I couldn’t understand why the code I had written and tinkered with was not doing what I wanted it to do.  So, I pasted the code into A.I.  It modified my code.  I pasted the code into a python file and ran it and it worked.  I am on the way to creating a phone app.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

11:50 AM View: Oopsy

 As the meme says…

I intended to take a parting view image as I left for work this morning.  I remembered this as I was just outside the entrance to the apartment.  I decided to not turn around.

I do get to practice my Chinese with this security guard who gives me cigarettes if I happen to pass him on his smoke break.

4:55 AM View: Getting ‘Er Done

 I was up with lights turned on before 4:30 this morning.  In bed, I got my daily Duolingo requirement done did.

Now I got reading and praying and todo listing to do.

4:35 PM View: Keeping Busy

 I will make myself dinner shortly.

I will then carry on with checking off my daily action plan which includes:  working on python, reading, praying, Duolingoing, school stuff, and prepping for Canada.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

11:15 AM View: Lunch

 I don’t want to report the lunch I had.  I have eaten.  That’s all I have to say.

6:14 AM View: On the way!

Took this photo before I went to school.

Here I am in my closet.

4:40 AM View: Early


Nothing has changed except I have taken the first view of the photo before taking a shower instead of after.

4:26 PM View: Tired

 Why am I Tired?  I have a lot to think about.  My biggest worry is Tony.  I got to light a fire under his ass.

Monday, February 24, 2025

11:10 AM View

 I took the above photo and then I had my lunch.

I took the above photo and made my way to school.  The photo shows a lineup of cars waiting to make a left turn onto Furong Avenue.

6:28 AM View: Off to School!

 I have an 8:10 class.

5:19 AM View

 Kettle boiling.

About to make coffee and tea. 

 I want to return to bed.

5:42 PM View: Supper!

 I won’t tell you what I had for supper.  I know it wouldn’t interest any of my rare readers or rare reader.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

12:09 AM View: Lunch!

 What are you having for lunch AKIC?   Hey Interlocutor!  Fancy interacting with you on Monday!  Since I have come back from Wuxi, there are some food stores.  So, I’m having sandwich’s, donuts and cereal.

6:28 AM View: Monday Sunrise

 I took this view before I left for work.

Last night, I listened to this Viva Frei podcast/vidcast.

This female MP had been disqualified from running for the Liberal leadership which was too bad because in the interview she seemed a centrist.  Maybe, that was ultimately why she was disqualified.  Why was she considered so bad by the Liberal Party of Canada.

5:12 AM View: Three attempts

 I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning.

My camera settings were changed.  These were the first two attempts I made to take a view photo.

6:30 PM & 8;19 PM Views

 Am in Jingles Jangles.

Was in Whiskey Jar.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

2:53 PM View: Outlet Mall

 Around noonish, we picked up Mom (my wife; I’m Dad) at Wanda and drove to the outlet mall.

We ate and drank ice tea.

We passed the Russia store.

On the way to Nike.

10:20 PM View: Much Todo

 I have a big list of things I think I got to do.  I have done some of them like this blog entry.

I drove my wife to work.  I took this photo along the way.

It’s the sports field as seen from the nearby 27th floor elevator lobby.

I’ve done most of today’s reading.  What stands out?  A poem by Czeslaw Milosz.  Perhaps, I read it in a video.

I had to take off a dealership sheet from the windshield of our new car.  Glue was left so I had to use cold water and body English to clean it off 

I listened to the Shawn Newman Podcast, a Mashup episode.  The podcast originates in Alberta.  They discussed the USA Canada hockey game and plans to build high speed rail between Quebec City and Ottawa.  The economics of it are interesting.  Whenever the thing is completed, air flights along the corridor will have to be suspended.  In Jiangyin, day time bus rides between Wuxi and Jiangyin were discontinued to encourage more people to take the Metro.

6:48 AM View: 1855, Parking

 I’ve extended my Duolingo streak to 1855 days.

Here’s a photo of the dump trucks and diggers parked at the construction slash excavation site.

6:07 AM View: Sunday

 No church today.  My wife starts work at 8:00 AM.  I’ll be driving her there.

My concerns are making coffee and extending my Duolingo streak