Tuesday, August 3, 2021

I Am Not Scared of Any Stupid Virus!

My wife always scares me but that is a thing that been so for all husbands since time immemorial.

Covid-19 doesn't scare me. The worse it could do is kill me. What scares me is the response of bureaucracies around the world to it. Their over-reaction is soul-destroying. 

A life where one is scared of dying is a life not worth living. A life not worth living is bad for the soul.

I would rather catch the Covid than put up with these useless preventary measures.

Every year, viruses come and kill the old and the people whose health is in a very bad way. Some years, more are killed than others. It happens and science can’t do anything about it. So why does it think it can do anything about this virus?



Absolute madness!

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