The never ending adventures of a Canadian who lives in Wuxi and Jiangyin, China with his Chinese wife Jenny and their son Anthony aka Tony
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Sunday Morning view from School.
There is a Christian church beside our school. In this photo, taken this morning, you can see a crowd of bicycles and people outside the chruch as services end.
Thanks for posting this photo. It looks very similar to when I went to a church service in Nanchang. It was standing room only. They piped the service into another building that was also standing room only. There were people standing 3 deep watching the service through all the windows as well.
Thanks for posting this photo. It looks very similar to when I went to a church service in Nanchang. It was standing room only. They piped the service into another building that was also standing room only. There were people standing 3 deep watching the service through all the windows as well.