Sunday, February 10, 2008

Proof the Left is going nuts! and other observations.

Doris Lessing predicts Obama will be assassinated if he wins the U.S. presidency.


I am trying to wrap my mind around the mindset that is supporting Obama. 

I know that part of his support stems from the fact that he is black.  Many people feel that America has to elect a black president as it is a needed stage in human progress and also America can prove to the world it is not racist, or something to that effect.  It is the same logic that thinks Affirmative Action programs are a great idea. 

Obama has charisma and so people can delude themselves into thinking he is whatever they want them to be.  His content-free campaign so far has people believing in change.  What specific kind of change he wants to bring is a mystery though it assuredly won't be the change that a libertarian like Ron Paul would want to bring.  But Ron Paul is specific and he is an idea guy.  Obama comes across as articulate.  He orates like MLK.  He can pack arenas like a rock star.  He appeals to the mob and fashion.  But mobs and fashion aren't permanent.  They are subject to whim.

The Conservatives are disappointed with their nominee because he is not ideologically pure; many Democrats are pleased with Obama because he represents a idealistic purity that was lost with McGovern and Bill Clinton.  Obama is an old idea in new packaging.  Obama seems to be the last chance the Democrats have to salvage something of the discredited idealism of the sixties.

I look at Obama and this is what I see. 

I am looking at his speeches and some of what his supporters have to say and I can't see what I am missing.  For example, this article, Obama vs. the Phobocracy written by a Obama supporter is remarkably free of any content or specific policy proposals.  It says that George Bush is bad while trying to distant itself from the statement.  It says Obama is a great guy.  He is made to sound like a messiah.  It talks about fighting fear.

The fear in this article is about people being scared, of presumably, electing a black president, but the idea of fear can be turned around:  Let's be courageous!  We don't need the government to protect us from the vicissitudes of life!  Let us find the power within ourselves and our families!  Let us stop government programs from preventing us from having the courage to look after ourselves!  Yes you can!

No where does Obama seem to chide people for their dependence.  He talks like a full-on Left Winger.

I understand the Obama liking mindset to be a leftist mindset which I grew out of when I was 25.

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